Every Scandi Girl Is Carrying One of These Little Game-Changing Bags

It's becoming increasingly problematic for me and my bank account to keep track of Wholesale Replica Bag mini It bags. There's something just so annoyingly, temptingly cute about them, and as someone who prefers to not lug the kitchen sink around, I cannot resist. Well, there's another newbie pitching to join the existing pack and sit alongside a little white satchel from Wandler, a green rattan number from Wicker Wings, a small red box bag from Manu Atelier, a host of vintage beaded styles, a tan bucket from Staud… You get the idea.

Over the summer, and most prominently during the recent fashion week schedules in Stockholm and Copenhagen, we've seen the simple, Victorian-inspired pouch bag coming to the fore. Made over and modernized by Ganni (think brighter colors, bolder beadwork), these teeny-tiny drawstring bags are being bought up in volumes by Scandi girls. The cult brand, of course, leads the charge, but other labels are part of the pack: Attico has been known for its fancy evening versions for some time, Les Petits Joueurs does some of the most luxe options around, and Cult Gaia is nodding toward the movement while Jacquemus in on board with leather versions. Me? I'll probably hit up Etsy for something vintage as this style is so retro, but if you want the fast track, try out one of my favorite new pouch bags to shop below.

See the Mini Bags on the Street Style Set

Both Emili Sindlev and Jeanette Madsen are fans of this bag trend.

Ouymayma got the "make it look retro" memo and chose a beaded style.

Ellie's raffia pouch can last way beyond the summer months.

Camille Charrière's in with the Ganni gang with this monochrome polka-dot pouch.

Elsa Hosk matches her Attico dress to a lemony-fresh mini bag. 

Reese's drawstring pouch is the most vintage-looking of all we've seen.

Diletta Bonaiuti clashed her scarf dress with a blue drawstring bag.

Shop the Best Pouch Bags

This post originally appeared onBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing UK.

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Hannah Almassi
Editor in Chief

Hannah Almassi is the Editor in Chief ofBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing UK. She joined in 2015 when she launched the UK sister site following a seven-year tenure at Grazia magazine as fashion news and features editor. With experience in print and digital across fashion and beauty, Hannah has over 18 years of experience as a journalist, editor and content strategist. Her opinion has been sought by the likes of CNBC, BBC, The Sunday Times Style, The Times, The Telegraph and MatchesFashion.com and she is often called upon for her take on trends, becoming known as a person with their finger of the pulse of what’s happening in the fashion space for stylish Brits.