You Have to See Beyoncé's Newest Short Film

Since Beyoncé's schedule is not at all packed with travelling the world, being a devoted mother and wife, recording remixes for major motion pictures, and winning award after award, the superstar has also taken on filmmaking as a little side hobby. As she rehearsed for her breathtaking Grammy performance this past weekend, Beyoncé had her film crew document the entire thing, and she revealed the inspiration behind it.
Beyoncé enlisted a choir of, in her own words, "real men who have struggled, have cried, who have a light and a spirit about them. I felt like this was an opportunity to show the strength and vulnerability of black men."
In light of recent tragic events like the police shootings in Brooklyn and, of course, the much-discussed murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., Beyoncé says she wanted to portray black men in a differen light. Watch the clip above to see what they have to say, and respond with your thoughts in the comments below!
Hailing from the heart of the South and cutting her teeth on the mean streets of New York, Meghan has six years of experience covering fashion, style, celebrities, culture, and human behavior. A longtime devotee of rap music, tacos, and generally perfect weather, she is excited to put down roots in Los Angeles. Her top three style staples are a good pair of cutoff shorts, virtually any kind of colorful digi-print, and a solid set of shades.