Not All Replica Handbags Is Out There—6 Trend-Free Outfits That Are Chic, Elegant and Easy to Copy

While I love a trend as much as the next person, there's just some that are tricky to get on board with (my 10-year-old self cannot let me wear pedal pushers again). And some that, well, just don't suit my personal style. Which is why I often find getting dressed easier when I stick to wardrobe classics that'll never fail. We can all agree a white T-shirt, trench coat, the perfect-fit jeans and a comfy cardigan will be forever loyal. And it's not just us mere mortals that think this, either, as some of my favourite A-listers and supermodels also tend to stick to timeless staples to construct easy to copy looks.

Look at Gigi Hadid, for example, matching her red T-shirt to her cardigan with fuss-free jeans and flat shoes. Or Solange Knowles relying on a LBD for a night out. There are just some items that will always be the base to the best (read: simple) outfits we can all try on those "I have nothing to wear days".

Keep scrolling to be inspired by some of the most stylish celebrities around—no doubt you'll already own most of the key items, too.

1. Cardigan + T-shirt + Baggy Jeans

Laura Harrier

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Style Notes: Laura Harrier is the master of off-duty outfits that look effortlessly stylish. No doubt you'll already have jeans, a white T-shirt and a classic cardigan so this one is easy to recreate from your own wardrobe.

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2. Denim Waistcoat + Jeans

Katie Holmes

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Styles Notes: Katie Holmes has long been a style icon, and as a fan of co-ords, I of course love this double denim ensemble. You could also add a 70s stamp on the look by adding platform sandals, as seen on the Chloé autumn/winter 2024 runway.

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3. Knit + Tailored Trousers + Trench Coat

Sienna Miller

(Image credit: Splash)

Styles Notes: Sienna Miller confirms a classic trench coat is every Brit woman's no. 1 item for spring. Wear the timeless style with everything from tailored trousers and a simple knit to springtime cotton dresses.

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4. Maxi Dress + Silver Jewellery

Zoe Kravitz

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Style Notes: Queen of understated style, Zoë Kravitz amps it up when it comes to evening wear by relying on a satin slip dress. A hero item that'll always look luxe, just add silver jewellery to keep the look extra polished.

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5. Cardigan + Straight-Leg Jeans + Flat Shoes

Gigi Hadid

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Style Notes: There's no doubt Gigi Hadid nails weekend throw-on-and-go outfits. I love how the matching T-shirt and cardigan elevated simple jeans and flats.

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6. Little Black Dress + Black Heels + Gold Earrings

Solange Knowles

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Styles Notes: Solange Knowles knows an LBD will never let you down, no matter the occasion. Matching black accessories and a touch of gold with the statement earrings is all a great dress needs.

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Freelance Fashion Editor

Harriet Davey is a freelance fashion editor who has been part ofBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing 's extended team since 2017. She previously worked in print at Look magazine and has since worked across print, digital and social for many other titles, including British Vogue, Stylist, Grazia, Refinery29 and Marie Claire. Also a stylist, Harriet has had the pleasure of producing cover shoots and editorials along with commercial shoots for brands including Boux Avenue, Watches of Switzerland, Benefit Cosmetics and Revolution. To add to this, Harriet also works in live TV styling for ITV’s This Morning.