The Surprising $4 Accessory Everyone Wants
Wholesale Replica Bag It accessory is not what you'd expect. Cool-girl favorite beauty brand Glossier's packaging includes a pink padded quart-sized zip pouch to hold their goodies. It seems that fashion girls have taken a strong liking to the pouches, even opting to carry them around town as a clutch, as Leandra Medine did during the most recent Paris Fashion Week. They're such a hit that as Racked pointed out, Jimmy Choo is even selling their own pink bubble wrap-inspired clutch.
As a result of the popularity of the pouches, Glossier is now selling them in packs of 5 for $20, undoubtedly making fans of the brand's cheerful packaging quite happy. If organization is more your thing, they're perfect for seperating odds and ends, especially for travel.
The pouches are sure to be instant conversation-starters for girls who chose to carry them out into the world (which we'll likely start seeing even more of since you can stock up now). Keep scrolling to see Glossier's pink pouches in action, and shop them for yourself!
Who: Leandra Medine of Man Repeller
Who: Jayne Min of Stop It Right Now
Shop Glossier's pink pouches:
Would you carry a Glossier pink pouch as a clutch? Tell us in the comments below!
Opening Image: Collage Vintage
Allyson is a senior editor forBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing . She joined the company in 2014 as co-founder Katherine Power's executive assistant and over the years has written hundreds of stories forBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing . Prior to her career in fashion, Allyson worked in the entertainment industry at companies such as Sony Pictures Television. Allyson is now based in Raleigh, North Carolina, and is originally from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She holds a BFA in theater. Her path to fashion may not have been linear, but based on the number of fashion magazines she collected as a child and young adult, it was meant to be.