You Can Get Wholesale Replica Bag Accessory Trend for $3 on Amazon

Just when you were starting to get used to the scrunchie trend, another '90s hair accessory trend is here to give them a run for their money. Hair clips, particularly the snap ones that you probably had a drawer full of as a kid, have been popping up on the Instagram feeds of a bevy of It girls from Elsa Hosk to Kim Kardashian West to Alexa Chung. And in every instance we've spotted, they're either worn as one on each side or as a pair holding back the hair on one side.

The beauty of the return of the hair clip trend is that unlike scrunchies, it's a somewhat subtle look that doesn't look costumey when used sparingly. And the best part is that you can buy a pack of the hair clips for as low as $3 on Amazon.

See how It girls are wearing the trend and shop it below. It's just starting to heat up, so jump on it before everyone else does.

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Shop Hair Clips on Amazon

Allyson Payer
Senior Editor

Allyson is a senior editor forBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing . She joined the company in 2014 as co-founder Katherine Power's executive assistant and over the years has written hundreds of stories forBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing . Prior to her career in fashion, Allyson worked in the entertainment industry at companies such as Sony Pictures Television. Allyson is now based in Raleigh, North Carolina, and is originally from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She holds a BFA in theater. Her path to fashion may not have been linear, but based on the number of fashion magazines she collected as a child and young adult, it was meant to be.