Trust Us—These 7 Well-Being Tips Are Guaranteed Mood Boosters

This time of the year can be a tricky one. The excitement of the festive season has passed, yet we're still very much in the depths of winter. It's cold, it's dark and summer feels a long way off yet. Throw in the constant noise of everyone trying to better themselves with New Year's resolutions and we're often left feeling like we should be doing more to improve ourselves in some way.

Rather than pile on more pressure to pick up a New Year's resolution, instead, we've decided to focus on the well-being tips and tricks that make us feel good. It's less about making sacrifices and more of adding things into your day that can boost your mood, your well-being and your lifestyle. Because who doesn't want to feel good? 


(Image credit: @iliridakrasniqi )

To find out the best ways to feel good, I asked theBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing UK team to share their top tips for feeling good. Be it big or small, ahead there are several ideas to bring some good vibes to your January. 

7 Ways To Feel Good, According to ourBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing Editors

1. Try An Acupressure Mat

"I recently bought an acupressure mat and pillow, and I'm certain that every time I use it before bed (just for 10 minutess or so) I have a better nights' sleep!" says Hannah Almassi, Editor in Chief ofBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing UK. "I also use the mat at my desk sometimes to stimulate the pressure points on my feet which I believe can be beneficial when you have a sedentary job."

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2. Put Your Phone Away In The Evenings


(Image credit: @madisonlainechertow)

There are two things you should know about me; I experience great difficulty in switching off and I’m pretty non-commital. A workaholic to the core, my well-being is always on the back burner," says Maxine Eggenberger, Deputy Editor ofBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing UK.

"I don’t really do New Year’s resolutions but my aim for 2023 is to find easy rituals I can stick to that enrich my life in small but impactful ways. Before last year’s end, I began leaving my phone in another room after 8:30pm which has done wonders for my sleep, and I’ve promised myself this is something I’ll stick to in the coming months," she says.

"When I’m finished work for the day, I light my favourite candle and use the smoke from the match to cleanse the air around me; a mini purification session if you will."

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3. Try A Lumie Alarm Clock


(Image credit: @eleanorvousden)

As for myself, I always find the winter months a challenge, and I’m prone to feeling low when the sun disappears by 4pm—not to mention trying to wake up on dark mornings! I find I always wake up feeling groggy around this time of the year. Last year, I took the plunge and invested in a Lumi alarm clock, and it’s totally changed the game for how I start my day. If you’re not familiar with Lumi, it’s an alarm clock that mimics a sunrise to wake you up gradually.

Rather than waking up to the shrill sound of my iPhone alarm, I now wake up to the gentle glow of the light, which gradually illuminates half an hour from when you want to wake up. I’m a heavy sleeper, so I’m reassured that you can also set it to make a noise during the alarm, but more often than not, I’ll wake up before my alarm chimes anyway. For bedtime, it also has a sunset setting, which gradually dims and is perfect for winding down for a restful night’s sleep.

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4. Schedule Balance In Your Diary


(Image credit: @camillecharriere )

"My feel-good tips for January tend to sit at two different ends of the spectrum—after all, being kind to yourself is about balance," says Emily Dawes, Affiliates Editor atBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing UK. "On the one hand, I try to make plans to see my friends. Nothing lifts my mood like laughing together about our already-failed-attempts at resolutions. Combining this with a walk and a cosy pub lunch always helps," she says. "When I'm needing some quieter TLC, though, it's all about a long bath with a good book (and the leftover Christmas chocolates well within reach)."

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4. Get Outside


(Image credit: @josephinebredsted)

My well-being tip is to go for a walk or run," says Poppy Nash, Managing Editor ofBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing UK. "I'm the first to admit that I am my own worst enemy when it comes to this tip. I know how amazing exercising (especially walking or running) makes both my body and mind feel, but sometimes when I'm feeling low or if the weather isn't great, it's the last thing on my mind," she says.

"When I do take to the pavements though, I always feel brighter, clearer and stronger after. Sometimes I'll jog, other times I'll take it slow and pop a podcast in. Whatever the pace, getting out in the fresh air, moving my legs, and focusing on other things always works wonders for me." 

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5. Book A Spa Day


(Image credit: @monikh)

"I’m a firm believer in the healing properties of a self-care spa day," says Remy Farrell, Shopping Editor atBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing UK. "They might not come as often as I might like, but making space in the month to take a day that focuses on unwinding has been a game changer for me. If it’s a busy month I’ll book a massage at the least, but when I’ve got the time there is nothing better than spending the day in a spa day to shake off the cobwebs," she says. "My favourite recent discovery? Aire Ancient Baths in Charing Cross, London. a tranquil retreat in the middle of the city that encourages you to entirely switch off”.

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6. Take Time During Your Skincare Routine


(Image credit: @pink_oblivion)

"My skincare routine always feels like a rush, but when I take the time to relish every step, I really feel (and see!) the benefits," says Maxine. "So perhaps there’s something in that, too; prolonging the things that bring you joy where you can.

Poppy also agrees that a skincare routine can help you wash away the day. "A simple cleanse or exfoliation always boosts my mood," she says. "I like to scrub away the bad vibes and any dead skin cells in one swift move, and I feel so much better after doing so. For me it's symbolic of letting go and starting fresh. My favourites are Versed's cleanser and Kate Somerville's Exfolikate."

7. Smile!


(Image credit: @chey_maya)

"This might sound silly, but smiling massively changes my mood and instantly makes me feel good," says Poppy. "And I am pretty sure there is actually some science behind this! It hugely relaxes me, reminds me to be think of the bigger picture and nine times of ten it makes me laugh, too. Which is always a bonus!"

Up Next, Whenever I'm Frazzled, I Always Come Back to This One Product

Eleanor Vousden
Beauty Editor,Best Knockoff Luxury Clothing UK

Eleanor Vousden is the beauty editor for Who What Wear UK. She was previously deputy editor at Hairdressers Journal, health writer at Woman Home and junior beauty editor at beauty website Powder. She has also contributed to Wallpaper and Elle Collections with written and styling work.Working as a beauty journalist since 2015 after graduating in fashion journalism at the London College of Fashion, she has been highly commended at the BSME Talent Awards for her work on Powder and also contributed to the title winning Website of the Year at the PPA Awards.Eleanor’s journalistic focus is to provide readers with honest and helpful beauty content. Through words, video and live broadcast, she has interviewed several celebrity makeup artists, hairstylists and top dermatologists throughout her career, as well as celebrities such as Sarah Jessica Parker and Scarlett Johansson. She has a particular interest in finding solutions for acne and eczema, which she has experienced firsthand. She has also amassed a large collection of fragrances and can never say no to a new candle.When she’s not writing or testing Wholesale Replica Bag beauty product or treatments, she’s on the seafront in her hometown of Brighton and Hove, where she lives with her partner and her miniature dachshund.