These A.M. Tricks Will Get You Out the Door Faster

Sponsor Content Created With Almay

While we can never resist getting a few extra minutes (or more) of shut-eye in the a.m., we can’t deny the fact that hitting the snooze button over and over totally messes with our chi. It always goes the same way: We rush out of bed, throw on the least wrinkled outfit we can find, put our hair up, and frantically run out the door without eating breakfast. The result? We arrive to work frazzled, defeated, and unprepared to take on the day’s tasks.

Plus, it doesn’t help when we run into that one friend or co-worker who always seems to have it more together than everyone else. You know—the kind of person who effortlessly strolls into an early meeting looking polished as ever and eternally energized. Are we envious? You bet. But curiosity trumps jealousy, so we went straight to the source for answers. Today, seven of our editors are sharing their morning hacks for getting out the door quickly and efficiently. 


“I consider myself a pro multitasker. Instead of idly standing in the bathroom between each step of my skincare routine, I’ll apply one layer of product and then take care of another task while it soaks into my skin. For example, I’ll dab on moisturizer, go make a smoothie, return to put on sunscreen, and then go get dressed. This helps me save time in the morning without having to sacrifice any part of my process.” Another idea? Using the liquid end of the stick, try mixing a little of Almay Instant Glow™ Highlighting Duo ($9) with your moisturizer for an allover natural-looking glow. People will be impressed by how bright and healthy your complexion looks.



I get out the door quickly every morning by having my hair done the night before. I know this doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone, especially those who like to shower or work out in the morning, but I always reserve spin classes or gym time for the evening so that I shower and do my hair before I go to sleep. It works super well for me because I just pull together my outfit, throw on some blush and mascara (like the new Almay One Coat Mega Volume™ Mascara, $7), and head out the door.” On days when you need to fake how awake you really are, sweep outer lashes with the flared end of the brush for a more dramatic effect.



“I’m the actual definition of ‘not a morning person,’ so I have to be really strategic after I finally stop hitting snooze in the a.m. A big part of that involves showering the night before and applying copious amounts of dry shampoo upon waking (and telling myself the result is that French girl style messy-on-purpose look), but I’ll also admit to keeping a second makeup bag in my car and often applying my brow pencil—like Almay Brow Pencil™  ($7)—in my rearview mirror (not while driving, okay?); the natural light is a lot better than the light in my apartment anyway.” For perfectly-arched brows, define with the pointed tip, fill in with the flat edge, and tame hairs with the spoolie brush.



“After answering emails and eating breakfast, I put on an upbeat playlist and give myself three to four songs (which ends up being about 10 to 15 minutes) to get dressed, do my makeup, and get out the door. Dancing along with the music puts me in a good mood and also helps me power through my routine—win-win!”



I take pictures of my favorite outfits and keep them in a special folder on my phone—this always saves me time in the morning when I can’t figure out what to wear. I’ll just take a peek at my old outfits for inspiration.”



I put sticky notes on the front door the night before to remember something I need to bring or drop off on the way to work. Makes the groggy bewilderment so much easier!”



“I ambitiously try to get to yoga before work a few mornings a week, and I don’t love carting a big bag around with me, so I keep things simple. When I do wash my hair (usually a day later than I should), I make myself do it before I go to bed; I finally realized that sleeping on my fluffy hair overnight basically has the same effect as running a straightener through it in the morning. I also save every no-makeup makeup and undone hair story I see on Byrdie in hopes that my laziness/beauty cluelessness will be on trend for as long as possible.”


Secret’s out: Almay is the pulled-together girl’s morning beauty secret. So, what are you waiting for? Shop more editor-favorite time-saving must-haves.


This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used in the place of advice of your physician or other medical professionals. You should always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first with any health-related questions.

Group Executive Director, Branded Content and Beauty

Caitie Schlisserman is an L.A.-based executive director with over a decade of branded content and editorial experience. She joinedBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing in 2014 as the first branded content editor and has worked her way up to overseeing a team of talented branded content editors and the beauty department of the media revenue team. BeforeBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing , Caitie helped launch FabFitFun's first subscription box and worked at a beauty startup where she assisted in successfully launching the editorial department.