John Mayer: Accidental 2018 Style Icon


(Image credit: @johnmayer)

I'm just going to come right out and say it: John Mayer is my unexpected 2018 style icon. Now, before you laugh, let me explain. Over the weekend, I had the pleasure of seeing Dead Company in concert and couldn't help but notice John rocking his Hawaiian dad shirt. Hawaiian shirts just happen to be a major trend right now, which got me thinking about his flair for fashion.

The next day, I fell into a deep Instagram spiral on John's account. Sidenote: If you're not following him on IG, do yourself a favor and give it a look over—his content is wonderfully weird and highly entertaining. (Exhibit A: his Chanel eye shadow tutorial.) Scrolling through his feed, I was pleasantly reminded that he serves up look after look of ironically styled 2018 trends. Tie-dye? Check. Windbreakers? Check. Fanny packs? Check. He's somehow right on trend while simultaneously seeming to have no idea. I fully believe this is his true aesthetic, and he's just doing him.

In my opinion, he joins the ranks of other unlikely male fashion heroes like Shia LaBeouf and Jonah Hill, both of whom the internet can't seem to get enough of lately. Below, I've highlighted some of the best John Mayer outfits for your viewing pleasure—and don't skip over his captions; they just add to the overall appeal. John, keep being you.

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Like I said, his captions really shouldn't be missed. 

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I'm adopting "Believe in yourself and accessorize" as my new life motto. 

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Dad sneakers? Check. 

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Here we have John adopting the robe coat trend—with his dad sneakers, of course. 

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He really goes for it with not just a windbreaker, but a purple windbreaker.

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Hello, jorts!

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Logomania is not lost on John. 

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I applaud John's commitment to the windbreaker. 

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Another robe coat moment.

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A version of the aforementioned Hawaiian shirt that initially caught my eye.

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Naturally, John's sock game is on point. 

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Mayer mixes prints like a pro.

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He's really leaning into the Hawaiian dad-shirt trend. 

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The robe coat is quickly becoming one of John's signature looks. 

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He isn't afraid to take on a monochrome look. 

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A tie-dye moment. 

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John recognizes the importance of a quirky accessory. 

Find yourself inspired by John Mayer's style? Shop our favorite tropical shirts next.

Caitlin Burnett
Contributing Editor