This Is the IG Account I Follow to Discover Wholesale Replica Bag It Buys

It is rare these days for any brand to exist without a social media presence, but that's exactly what Bottega Veneta decided to do in January. The luxury brand, which experienced a boom in popularity ever since Daniel Lee became creative director, removed its social media channels, including Facebook and, perhaps more importantly for the fashion crowd, Instagram. The important thing to note here is that Bottega is very much the brand du jour. Along with Kering's other golden jewel, Gucci, Bottega is leading the way thanks to Lee's minimalist aesthetic that appeals to those still mourning Phoebe Philo's departure at Celine. What's more, Bottega can easily boast having created some of the biggest It bags over the past couple of years. 

But where do you go if social media, arguably the first place any of us will find Wholesale Replica Bag It pieces is out? Fear not, as the @newbottega account exists. Much like the @oldceline account, this is essentially a fan account—albeit one that's incredibly chic. And it is the place to discover Wholesale Replica Bag It bags, shoes and all the newest pieces from the Bottega collection. Fashion insiders regular tag the page too, such as MyTheresa's fashion buying director Tiffany Hsu, so the page not only shows you Wholesale Replica Bag collection, if you check the tagged section, you'll also see how people are styling their latest Bottega buys. Keep scrolling to check out the account and Hsu's take on new Bottega looks, and then shop Wholesale Replica Bag collection. 

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(Image credit: @handinfire)


(Image credit: @handinfire)


(Image credit: @handinfire)


(Image credit: @handinfire)


Next up, the biggest spring/summer 2021 fashion trends to know. 

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