I Tried the Under-$50Replica Store Shoes Readers Love and Walked Miles Pain-Free

Buying shoes online has never been easy, but thanks to our associate fashion editor Sierra Mayhew, now it is. She zips around the stores of New York City trying on all the trending shoes to report on the comfortability, fit, and style so you never have to make a return again.
WhenBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing readers talk, we listen.
I'm kind of known for being a shoe lover, and I have an obsessive personality. When I find something I like, I love it, and it doesn't leave my brain. That's exactly the case with the Cora Sandals from Open Edit. I first spotted them when I was working on a shoe story, and when I realized how comfortable they were, I decided to order them for myself. After wearing them over and over again, I started including them in all of my stories, and it became clear very quickly that the WWW readers were loving them just as much as I was.
Besides the fact that these shoes are absolutely beautiful, they also are my most comfortable heels to date. The soft, buttery leather doesn't cause friction with my skin, and the block heel keeps me stable. I had to try a few other Open Edit shoes out, so you'll find them below along with pictures of how I styled them. Some of them aren't comfortable enough for the 10,000-step test, but they look so good that they're worth wearing while you drive to the venue as opposed to walking. Scroll on to discover your new favorite shoes.
The legendary shoes. I can't believe this style is still in stock, but it won't be forever, so act fast. I've been seeing knotted leather sandals all over the runways, which means they're a good investment.
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Were they comfortable?
So very much so that they required a dedicated review.
How was sizing?
Feel free to stay true to size in any Open Edit shoe style.
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There's more than one way to wear it, as the ties in the back can cross over at the front.
Very often, trendy shoes are a little too trendy for me, but that's not the case with these sandals. The chain detail nods to one of my favorite trends without being too much. I have a feeling I'll be wearing them for quite some time.
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I'm someone who often forgets flats, so after noticing a gap in my closet, I decided to add this style to the collection. As you can imagine, the comfort is next-level. I'll be wearing them for every errand I run for the rest of the summer.
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Strappy sandals are all the rage right now, and this style nails the trend. Wearing it in kelly green is a very cool way to make the trend feel edgier. I think I need them in every color now.
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This is your chance to get the perfect jacket for summer nights.
Shop more Open Edit shoes:
Up Next: I Tried Every Shoe Trend You Need to Know for Summer—I'm Losing It Over These 10
Sierra Mayhew is a fashion editor atBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing , bringing a decade of industry experience to the editorial team. Since joining in 2021, she has made her mark by blending luxury and accessible fashion, decoding runway trends, and curating must-have shopping lists. Before joiningBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing , Sierra sharpened her skills at Harper's Bazaar and Elle, with bylines in Bazaar.com and collaborated with iconic brands such as Gucci and Ferragamo. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame, Sierra translates editorial expertise into viral social content, making fashion engaging for a new generation. Her unique perspective is rooted in her love for travel, music, and discovering the hidden gems that make New York City a constant source of inspiration.