Want to Be a Fashion Blogger? Rumi Neely Has the BEST Advice

If you're looking for tips on how to make it as a fashion blogger, there's no better resource than successful bloggers themselves. Rumi Neely of Fashion Toast definitely falls under that category. She started her blog way back in 2008 with jaw-dropping photography and totally distinct style choices that immediately caught the eye of the larger fashion world. It paid offshe launched a full-fledged career out of it and the site now receives over 5.5 million hits per month, according to analytics by Cision. But what really makes her stand out from the crowd is the "Ask Rumi" section on her site, where longtime fans can pick her brain about everything from her plant-based diet to her thoughts on Wholesale Replica Bag designer items. We recently stumbled upon this gem and knew we had to share it with you:

I want to start blogging [but] I’m a bit embarrassed at taking photos in public. Any tips? 

"Being embarrassed is such a waste of time! In general! [When it comes to] "out in the open" blog photo shoot embarrassment -- [remember that] you're never going to see these people again, you'll probably make them smile in a sweet way if they even care enough to notice, and we're living in a time when people from every category of life might be seen with a selfie stick." - Rumi Neely

Do you have any other tips for overcoming embarrassment? Or for blogging in general? Please share in the comments!

Jessica Schiffer
Contributing Editor
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