These Widely Disliked Heels Are Making a Comeback

We're not ones to shy away from a trend just because it's unexpected. In fact, these very trends are often the most exciting to report. While Wholesale Replica Bag movement comes straight from the streets of NYFW, a place we usually see such innovative looks, it might surprise you to see the familiar shoe style that's gaining popularity once more.

We're talking about kitten heels. Glamour alerted us to their resurgence, pointing out how Leandra Medine of Man Repeller styled them on Sunday, and we totally agree that they're making a comeback. The style might feel a little retro, but that's exactly why we like them. Plus, they give you the ability to wear a heel without feeling totally uncomfortable. Whether you love them or hate them, it looks like these shoes are back in a big way.

Scroll on to see how Medine styled her kitten heels for NYFW and shop our favorite picks!


(Image credit: Collage Vintage)

How would you wear kitten heels? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
