I'd Save My Money on These 6 Bags Just so I Can Splurge on These 6


(Image credit: Courtesy of Net-A-Porter,Replica Store, COS, and Loewe)

Designer bag prices are rising faster than the stock market in today's economy. Chanel bags have surpassed the $10K number quicker than lightning, and even the smaller bag brands are charging a premium for their products. As someone who loves investing for her future, this is both good and bad news. It's good news because it means any designer bags I've bought in the past will only continue to increase in value, but it's also bad news because of how tempting Wholesale Replica Bag designer styles can be regardless of the impact they'll have on my bank account.

This predicament has led me to make some tough choices in the bag department, and I've found myself being a lot pickier about which designer bags I think are actually worth the price point. I'm becoming friendlier with affordable styles to fill out my collection. Below, find the six bags I'm saving my money with so I have more cash flow to splurge on the six designer finds I'm obsessed with.

Splurge: Bottega Veneta Andiamo Bag

Save: JW Pei Lily

Splurge: Gucci Horsebit

Save: Staud Marike Shoulder Bag

 Splurge: Savette Pochette

Save: Mango Coconut-Effect Shoulder Bag

Splurge: The Row Margaux Tote

Save: Reformation Chiara Bag

Splurge: Toteme T-Lock Shoulder Bag

Save: Luar Ana Bag

Splurge: Loewe Squeeze Bag

Save: COS Oversized Quilted Bag

Now, shop our favorite bags and even more colors:

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Sierra Mayhew
Fashion Editor

Sierra Mayhew is a fashion editor atBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing , bringing a decade of industry experience to the editorial team. Since joining in 2021, she has made her mark by blending luxury and accessible fashion, decoding runway trends, and curating must-have shopping lists. Before joiningBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing , Sierra sharpened her skills at Harper's Bazaar and Elle, with bylines in Bazaar.com and collaborated with iconic brands such as Gucci and Ferragamo. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame, Sierra translates editorial expertise into viral social content, making fashion engaging for a new generation. Her unique perspective is rooted in her love for travel, music, and discovering the hidden gems that make New York City a constant source of inspiration.