Yes, the Perfect Summer Blazers Do Exist

Summer layering can get tricky (and sticky) really fast. When the temperatures hit above 80 degrees, the thought of not seeing most of your skin can instantly give you hot flashes. Sometimes though, your outfit needs a little something-something to reach its full potential. And sometimes, the answer is a summer blazer.

Before you question what you just read, consider this: Despite summer's easy-going allure, you're still expected to take on your responsibilities. That's where summer blazers come in. This garment makes any tube or crop top office-friendly and elevates your maxi dress all while keeping you cool and comfortable enough in your office with the blasting AC.

That's why—yes—great summer blazers do exist and you should highly consider them. Simply opt for fabrics like linen or cotton or flowy, oversize silhouettes that will allow you the right amount of cool comfort.

Find what we're talking about ahead.

The best part? You can wear these after summer is over too.

Opening Image: @emilisindlev
