The Only Summer Jacket I'm Buying Is a Cardigan—Ask Me Why

I tend to have a real appreciation for things that go against my actual life experiences. For instance, I’m obsessed with varsity jackets but have never played a sport. I love tie-dye, but I didn’t grow up in the ’60s and I didn’t go to summer camp where I might have DIY’d a tee. And Wholesale Replica Bag object of my affection (and ultimately of my credit card statements): summer cardigans.

The style may have some prim-and-proper Doris Day vibes, but I think it’s so much more than one-note. There are the classic (albeit pricier) Prada and Gucci iterations, but I’ve also been all about the quirkier playful designs from French brand Rouje and Denmark’s Baum und Pferdgarten.

Of course, one of the biggest reasons I think this trend will live on for quite some time is that its styling opportunities are huge. A button-down sweater allows for it to be worn undone and loose, buttoned-up and tucked into high-waist bottoms like a shirt, and even tied around your shoulders as though you may be headed to the country club (I’ve never been a member of one of those, but this styling also sounds appealing to me).

In short: Summer is not really known for being a big outerwear season, but I’m getting into cardigans ASAP and carrying the style into the next few seasons too. If you’d like to do the same, shop some favorites below.

Up next: Take a look at Sasha Lane,Best Knockoff Luxury Clothing ’s June cover star and one of the brightest young stars in Hollywood and fashion.

Gina Marinelli
Senior Editor

Who's your style icon?Taylor Tomasi HillWho are your 5 favorite people to follow on Twitter/Instagram? @tamumcpherson @lisasaysgah @therealgracecoddington @everyoutfitonsatc @notmynonni What's the fashion essential you can’t live without? A leather jacket.What's your desert island album? Beyoncé "B'Day." Or pretty much anything Beyoncé.