This Is Wholesale Replica Bag Celeb-Approved Label to Know Before It Blows Up

We try not to play favorites, but the offerings of emerging designers are consistently among the most exciting in the industry. (During fashion week, we stay glued to their every move like it's a spectator sport.) One label high on our radar is Lorod, an NYC-based label helmed by Parsons alums Lauren Rodriguez and Michael Freels.

The line, which focuses on workwear-inspired silhouettes, is only several seasons old but has already amassed fans including Bella Hadid, the Haim sisters, and most recently, Zoey Deutch. The Flower actress chose a denim jacket and pants boasting cool contrast stitching and exaggerated zippers—two details that totally punch up a tee-and-jeans look. Keep your eye on future collections from Lorod. Hopefully, we'll see the brand on Zoey (among other celebs) again soon.


(Image credit: Backgrid)

On Zoey Deutch: Lorod Cropped Zip-Up Jacket ($575) and Zip-Through Pants ($450)

Similar Styles: Cloverpost Direct Hoop Earrings ($75); Rag Bone Ellis Boots ($595)
