I Tried HIIT Workouts for 30 Days Straight, and the Results Were Wild


Welcome to I Tried It Month, where we’ll be publishing a new fashion, beauty, or wellness article every day that features a first-person account of shaking up an old habit, pushing beyond a comfort zone, or simply trying something new. Follow along for 31 days of storytelling, including everything from trying new beauty treatments to copying the most risqué runway looks of the season. 

Name: Schuyler Youngstrom, manager of email and partnerships,Best Knockoff Luxury Clothing and THE/THIRTY

What Did You Try? HIIT (high-intensity interval training) for 30 days straight

Why Did You Try It? If you're not familiar with HIIT, these workouts involve short intervals, or bursts, of intense work, followed by recovery periods. I wanted to try it in hopes of mitigating the effects of an office job and a relatively sedentary lifestyle. I chose HIIT since these kinds of classes are designed to increase resting metabolic rate, allowing me to burn more calories throughout the day, and increase oxygen utilization. Essentially, these workouts will make me physically more productive, have better energy, and feel overall healthier. Losing a few pounds would definitely be an added bonus, though!


(Image credit: Schuyler Youngstrom)

How Did You Prepare? Before jumping into the 30-day challenge, I eased my way into the workouts by taking three classes a week. The biggest obstacle for me was waking up before work at 5 a.m. in order to take the morning classes, so the three-day-a-week trial was mostly dedicated to me acclimating to the early morning workout.


(Image credit: Schuyler Youngstrom)

Any Challenges? The first week was the most challenging for me. I found myself debating almost daily whether or not to pay the late cancel fee and just sleep through class. Spoiler: I'm too frugal to pay for those fees, so that worked as a great incentive for me to follow through with this challenge.


(Image credit: Schuyler Youngstrom)

How Did You Feel Afterward? What Kind of Changes Did You Notice? My body definitely changed, and I looked leaner and more toned.

What Did You Like About It? I loved how I felt within the first two weeks. I had more energy throughout the day, and I (finally!) was able to sleep soundly through the night.


(Image credit: Schuyler Youngstrom)

What Did You Hate? Waking up early was rough for me, but I didn't hate anything from this challenge.

Would You Try It Again? Definitely! I felt such incredible results that I plan on doing this on and off throughout the next year.


(Image credit: Schuyler Youngstrom)

Any Advice for Anyone Who's Thinking About Trying It? If you're just starting out trying HIIT classes, I (along with fitness professionals) would recommend not taking more than two to three HIIT classes a week. If you're a HIIT regular and interested in trying 30 days straight, I'd suggest booking your classes in advance so you can't talk yourself out of taking them day-of. Make sure you stay hydrated and fed throughout the day so you can really maximize on the morning workout benefits, and don't forget to stretch daily!

Also, because I worked out for 30 days straight, I needed the right gear. Here are my favorite activewear pieces and self-care products that I wore and used during the challenge:


This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used in the place of advice of your physician or other medical professionals. You should always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first with any health-related questions.