21 Habits Our Editors Rely on for a Good Night's Sleep

After a night I spent tossing and turning due to even the tiniest noise in my flat keeping me awake (and the fact that my neighbours' boiler sounds like the engine of a jet plane), I'm dedicating my morning to bringing you a roundup of the best products and habits to aid a better night's sleep, as approved by theBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing UK editors.

I'm not going to claim these are all life-changing, but there's something lovely about spritzing a lavender pillow spray onto your bedlinen or swapping your cotton pillowcase for a silk one. Even if I can't guarantee you won't still be counting sheep, these tips will help you start to unwind after a busy day. Who knows? You might even find a serious game-changer here.


(Image credit: @ASOS_LESLEY)

Mica Ricketts, Deputy Beauty Editor

Elinor Block, Assistant Editor

Emily Dawes, Freelance Branded Content Editor

"I like to keep as much of a routine before bed as possible. I have a peppermint tea and then after properly cleansing my face I always apply a relaxing, nice smelling face oil like Aurelia's Probiotic Cell Repair. Then I spray a lavender pillow spray (heaven!). I'll usually drift off to an audiobook - you can't beat Stephen Fry reading the Harry Potter books!"

Emma Spedding, Editor

Joy Montgomery, Shopping Editor

"I'll be honest with you, I'm not a good sleeper, and my brain tends to switch on the moment my head hits the pillow. The sliver lining is that I'm now a sleep expert, and have tried every remedy and technique under the sun. Honestly? The three things that have actually helped are as follows: Firstly, download a meditation app: Headspace is my fave. Secondly, buy yourself a pretty notepad and offload all your thoughts and worries onto it just before you go to bed. Thirdly, I don't own a bath (sob), but whenever I get the chance I'll soak in Epsom bath salts about 30 mins before I tuck myself in. Oh, and also don't get into bed until you're actually tired. That's all!"

Hannah Almassi, Editor in Chief

Shannon Lawlor, Contributor

Next up, everything you need to know about caring for dry skin.

Mica Ricketts