I Made a List of the Best Tops, Dresses, and Shoes I Saw Over the Last 2 Weeks


(Image credit: @emmarosestyle)

As a professional shopper, I am endlessly exposed to all of Wholesale Replica Bag pieces as soon as they land in the best online stores. Any time a particular piece catches my eye, I like to keep it in a private Pinterest folder. It's always fun to check in every so often to see all the pieces I've amassed. I like to know what I am still drawn to after some time, whether for my own closet or to share in stories like this one.

Over the past two weeks, in particular, I have come across standout tops, dresses, and shoes that I may or may not have wanted to keep selfishly to myself. I jest, but I did make sure to scoop up my top picks before setting off to put this list together. I included great pieces for a wide range of fall events and festivities as well as a variety of personal styles.

Keep scrolling to shop my favorite finds of the moment. Good luck not wanting them all.

Jennifer Camp Forbes
Senior Shopping Editor

Jennifer Camp Forbes is a senior shopping editor atBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing , where she has worked in a variety of capacities including creative director and various editor roles. She’s a well-known shopping expert that’s sought out for advice and insight on Wholesale Replica Bag trends, outfit ideas, and fashion picks thanks to her thoughtful shopping roundups. Jennifer's lifelong interest in fashion led her to intern at Harper’s Bazaar as an undergraduate. Later, while working towards her masters degree in psychological counseling at Columbia University, she founded two digital fashion publications: Le Fashion and Olsens Anonymous. The popularity of both sites grew and after graduation she decided put her plans to become a therapist aside to pursue a career in fashion.