Add to Cart: The Sports Bra That Gives Back in a Major Way

Welcome to Add to Cart, a series where we count down the activewear and wellness products currently on our wish lists.

When it comes to finding Wholesale Replica Bag and greatest athleisure products, I like to consider myself somewhat of an expert. I mean, let's be honest, one doesn't become the owner of over 40 pairs of leggings by chance. Finding a new workout class, protein powder, or wellness brand to shop gives me a special kind of thrill. And, like any good friend would, I've decided to do the heavy-lifting and sift through the internet to put together a little collection of wellness-inspired products that are worthy of your paycheck.

Looking for a new sports bra to add to your collection or the perfect shoes to wear while training for a marathon? I've got you covered. Be sure to stop by every other Friday for top-notch shopping suggestions that are trusted and approved by yours truly.

If I'm being honest, there’s nothing that I don’t want from Varley’s newest collection. All the pieces are focused on helping you power through your sweatiest and toughest workouts. However, if I had to pick just one thing, it would be this undeniably cool sports bra.

Available in sizes XXS to L.

This water bottle is seriously calling my name. If you’re like me and your personal mantra is that there’s no such thing as too much black, then you’ll understand why this is an essential. Plus the snowflake obsidian crystal will keep negative thoughts, practices, and emotions at bay.

Temperatures might be getting warmer, but I can’t stop thinking about this Alala hoodie. It looks like the perfect piece to wear pre- and post-workout, and the super-flattering crop will pair perfectly with your favorite high-waisted leggings.

Available in sizes XS to L. 

When you work out five to six times a week like me, you can burn through sneakers pretty quickly. These APLs look like the perfect shoes for me. The lightweight and supportive design was created to help you get through any type of workout, meaning that they can handle my intense and versatile workout schedule.

Available in sizes 5 to 11. 

I'm in love with the caged detail up the center of this sports bra. And the best part of this piece isn’t its practicality or its flattering design, but 100% of sales from this style will be donated to the Los Angeles chapter of Girls Inc. during the month of March. This is the epitome of guilt-free shopping.

Available in sizes XS to L.

I have a trip coming up in May, and I’ve been on the hunt for the perfect pair of travel pants. Something that’s comfortable and easy but still makes me look put-together and sophisticated. I think I might have found the perfect pair of pants that do just that.

Available in sizes XS to L.

I’m no stranger to protein powder, but this one is different. Not only can you mix it into your go-to beverage, but you can also chew it. This alone has me super intrigued. Oh, and did I mention it’s vegan, gluten-free, and soy-free?

Last up on our wish list: this jacket. I have a love-hate relationship with daylight saving time. On the one hand, I love that we get more hours of sunlight, but on the other hand, the sun doesn’t come out until long after I get home from my morning workout. Which means cold, sunless walks with my dog at 6:45 a.m. This warm, lightweight, sweat-wicking jacket sounds like the answer to all my morning woes.

Available in sizes 2 to 12.


This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used in the place of advice of your physician or other medical professionals. You should always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first with any health-related questions.