This Is How Celebrities Are Supporting March for Our Lives

Today, hundreds of thousands of people across the U.S. are participating in the March for Our Lives to demand gun control. The event's website explains its mission statement: "March for Our Lives is created by, inspired by, and led by students across the country who will no longer risk their lives waiting for someone else to take action to stop the epidemic of mass school shootings that has become all too familiar."

Celebrity activists are among the marchers, including Yara Shahidi, who posted an inspiring video message on her Instagram today. "Today I stand in reverence of the students who’ve experienced such personal tragedy and have used their voices to unite. To take action," Shahidi wrote. "Today we join them and March for Our Lives. Today we reclaim our right to safety." Read on to see more celebrity posts from the march. 

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Associate Director, Fashion News

Erin got her start as aBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing intern over 13 years ago—back when the site only published a single story per day. (Who What Wear has since increased that number twentyfold.) She graduated magna cum laude from USC, which is how she ended up moving to Los Angeles from her hometown of San Diego. In college, she also interned at Refinery29, where she was promoted to editorial assistant and then assistant editor. After nearly three years at R29, she came back to WWW in 2016, where she currently holds the title of Associate Director of Fashion News (as well as the unofficial title of resident royal expert—in case you haven't noticed her numerous Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton stories). She spends her days trying to incorporate her idols, Anna Wintour and Roger Federer, into as many stories as possible. Outside of work, she loves tennis, classic rock, traveling, and smothering her dog with affection.