23 Amazing Designer Bags That You Can Currently Find on Sale
For many, a designer handbag is an item that will always be at the top of their wish list, although sadly, they aren't necessarily the most wallet-friendly of purchases. Often retailing for hundreds (if not thousands) of pounds, luxury handbags are an investment, to say the least.
And although a handbag of that quality is something you can carry for years come (generally meaning it can being quite reasonable when you take into account cost per wear) often, the purchase can still be difficult to justify. Though, if you've been in the market for a new bag and have your heart set on a design by Valentino, Fendi, Burberry and more, you may be in luck, as several lust-worthy designer bags are currently reduced as a part of this year's summer sales.
From Staud's instantly recognisable bucket bag to Wandler's Luna crossbody and Jacquemus's Le Mirco Vanity Mini (which was worn by just about every influencer during fashion week), this year's summer sales include some of the buzziest cult bags of recent seasons. Not to mention some designs are up to 50% off.
So whether you're a fan of Chloé's C crossbody, JW Anderson's classic anchor design or celebrity favourite Khaite, keep scrolling to shop the extensive range of designer handbags that are currently on sale.
Shop Designer Handbags on Sale
Next up, the biggest S/S 20 fashion trends you need to know.
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