This Latest Instagram Pose Will Make Your Next Flight 10 Times More Annoying

Every week there seems to be a new Instagram pose, from Barbie feet to the Baby Giraffe, but Wholesale Replica Bag is a little more extreme. Instagrammers in Russia are challenging each other to lay on the ground face down at the foot of an airplane, using the hashtag #FallingStars2018. Model Natasha Poly and Lena Perminova have taken part, lying down on the runway next to their private jets. The hashtag is currently featuring more private jets than budget airlines, but perhaps this will take off and will be coming to a Ryanair staircase near you. Just when you thought selfie sticks were irritating enough…

It doesn't appear like this challenge is for charity, rather is a new way to show off your luxury holidays on Instagram. It's not only planes that are the backdrop to this challenge, as others are now lying in front of yachts and sports cars. Fashion campaigns have previously featured models "playing dead," as designers such as Jimmy Choo, Victoria Beckham, and Marc Jacobs have previously had ads with models lying on the ground in this similar controversial pose—a fad that, of course, generates negative responses and often a confused consumer.

Keep scrolling to see the #FallingStars2018 challenge, and remember: Don't replicate this at home.

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Related: Barbie Feet: The Photogenic Pose Becoming an Instagram Epidemic

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Next up, the 13 fashion "rules" you should never follow.

This post originally appeared onBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing UK.

Emma Spedding