It's Going to Be a Flat-Shoe Summer—3 COS Styles That Will Sell Out by June

I will always admire those who step out daily in sky-high heels, but personally? I'm all about wearability. Comfortable trousers, easy dresses and flat footwear are my Holy Trinity, especially in the summer. Ease is a key feature of warm-weather dressing, and luckily for me (and you), Wholesale Replica Bag trends agree.

In the past few years, designers have re-centred the wearer in their creations, with practicality winning out. Just look to the classic tote bag taking over from the micro silhouettes that might only just accommodate a lip balm and a single bank card, or the shoe revival few of us expected: ballet flats. Earlier this week, Gucci showcased its Cruise 2025 collection, with models striding through the Tate Modern in horse-bit accented ballet flats. But lacking a Gucci budget, I've turned to the high street to find some other flats for summer, and COS has served up three standout flat-shoe styles, any one of which is sure to be a hit.

Image of COS buckled ballet flats

(Image credit: @nnennaechem)

Nnenna Echem wears COS Buckled Ballet Flats (£115).

Back to the ballet flat. As ever, COS has tapped into our love of timeless fashion with a few contemporary twists to add a fresh edge to forever flats. There are Mary Jane-inspired styles with bold buckles, mesh iterations featuring elegant tie straps and bold pointed-toe designs that I predict will become the go-to finishing touches for many fashion editors' outfits this season.

In sandals, COS has clearly been inspired by styles we'll want to pull out year after year, with a mix of minimalist barely-there pairs alongside more traditional strappy shoes. Trust me: Each slide-on style will have you second-guessing the high-street price tag. Finally, we need to talk about the loafers. A staple all-rounder, come the warmer months we often find stylish dressers wearing theirs with longline denim shorts, floaty skirts and simple slip dresses.

Keep scrolling to explore the best flat shoes from COS for summer 2024.





Florrie Alexander
Acting Affiliates Editor

Florrie embarked on her fashion journey while studying French and History at university. Whilst studying in Aix-en-Provence, she began to write her dissertation on the history of fashion and the influence of Haute Couture, and landed her first role at Harper’s Bazaar. Following this, she interned for various publications including Elle, Grazia and Marie Claire before joining the fashion team at Conde Nast Traveller. There, she contributed to international photoshoots, styled pages and covers, and produced engaging digital content.

During a freelance period, Florrie honed her skills in editorial work in various digital and print publications including Vogue Italy and Departures magazine, as well as styling e-commerce photoshoots and personal shopping. Florrie actively pursues an in-depth understanding of fashion and jewellery, and after styling a jewellery cover shoot at Conde Nast Traveller chose to complete the De Beers Diamond Foundation course. Florrie first joinedBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing UK as a freelancer before becoming the Commerce Writer, blending both editorial and commercial content. Now, as the Acting Affiliates Editor, she monitors current trends, new-in styles, wardrobe heroes and how best to style them. In her downtime, Florrie can be found in her hometown of London, usually with a coffee in hand.