These 6 Foods Are the Reason You Can't Sleep, According to a Nutritionist


(Image credit: Alicia Rountree)

We pick the brains of models day in and day out, prying into their medicine cabinets and kitchen cupboards in an attempt to uncover their elusive model secrets. In these endeavors, we hear a lot about eating clean and avoiding sugar, but rarely do we hear diet tips from a model who also happens to have her degree in nutritional science. That's exactly what we found in Alicia Rountree. The Mauritian model (she's got the island hair and bronzed glow to prove it) is also a certified nutritionist and restaurateur (she has to be able to put her knowledge into practice, right?), and today she's sharing her secrets with us.

Are you having difficulty sleeping and don't know why? Sure, we all have times when stress is the culprit, and we find ourselves tossing and turning all night. But stress may not be the only reason you're still tossing and turning. It may sound surprising, but the foods you eat can have a huge impact on your ability to get a restful night's sleep and lead to a groggy morning. Take a look at the foods that cause insomnia below, and try avoiding them if you find yourself munching on them in the evening.

1. Fried Foods


(Image credit: Brett Stevens/Getty Images)

Beware of these little pockets of grease! Your system will go into overdrive trying to break them down. Stay clear of high-fat culprits like French fries and chicken wings for dinner.

2. Coffee


(Image credit: d3sign/Getty Images)

This rule is pretty simple: no coffee at least six hours before bedtime. Also, beware of hidden caffeine like the kind found in chocolate and soda. Yes, that little piece of dark chocolate you had to quench your sugar craving could be the root of your tossing and turning!

3. Alcohol


(Image credit: Marti Sans/Stocksy)

You may think a glass of wine will help you unwind, but it can actually disrupt your sleep cycle. You may fall asleep faster, but you’re likely to find yourself unable to stay asleep—and end up with a headache in the morning. Make sure you drink enough water to balance out the effects of alcohol.

4. Red Meat


(Image credit: Cameron Whitman/Stocksy)

High-protein, fatty animal meat is one of the toughest foods for our bodies to digest. If you happen to eat red meat in the evening, make a conscious effort to chew it properly to ease its digestibility.

5. Spicy Foods


(Image credit: real444/Getty Images)

Spicy foods are another treat better left for the daytime. A spicy meal can cause indigestion and irritation of the upper digestive tract. This can cause pain and acid reflux, which can prevent you from getting a peaceful night of sleep.

6. Liquids


(Image credit: Darren Muir/Stocksy)

Yes, that's why you wake up twice in the night to go to the bathroom. It's so important to have an uninterrupted full night's sleep. Try to stop consuming any liquids after 8 p.m. (just make sure to stay hydrated throughout the day).

Preparing for a Good Night's Sleep


(Image credit: Studio Firma/Stocksy)

To help induce a peaceful night's rest, there are a few rules you should follow. First, try to cut out electronic use at least one hour before bed. (That includes cell phones!) Have your phone in another room, and buy a standard alarm clock so you don't need your phone to wake you up in the morning.

It's also helpful to have a calming ritual before bed. Light a candle and dim the lights. I love using a touch of lavender spray on my pillowcase to promote deep and peaceful sleep. I also love to read in bed. There's something about a good book that helps me drift off into dreamland. A warm shower or bubble bath is equally relaxing. As you're falling asleep, take some deep breaths to calm your mind and visualize yourself having a great night's sleep.

Here are some of my favorite tools to prep for bedtime.

This post was originally published at an earlier date and has been updated by Drew Elovitz.

Next: How I Finally Trained Myself to Sleep on My Back


This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used in the place of advice of your physician or other medical professionals. You should always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first with any health-related questions.

Alicia Rountree