5 Major Handbag Colour Trends We're Buying in 2024 and Wearing Forever
As fashion editors, we're often asked what Wholesale Replica Bag ready-to-wear trends will be, but as quickly as we can suggest balloon jeans and red tights, the season has shifted and we're already having to look ahead to the next big thing. One category that moves a little slower is accessories. After all, an exceptional handbag is the difference between a good outfit and a great one, and when you're paying a little extra for something like a designer bag, you want to know that your investment will go the distance. So, if you're interested in refreshing your look at the start of a new year, I'm not going to suggest a long list of "must-have" pieces; instead, I want to focus on the big one that will actually make a difference to your wardrobe: a new handbag.
Unlike shoes, whose reliability changes from season to season, bags are a year-round necessity. Hence, the bag you buy now deserves some careful thought as it will become a wardrobe staple for the next 12 months and beyond. The chances are that you already have an "old faithful"—probably a black leather bag you've been using for years and still dust off for any and every occasion—but should you be interested in something a little buzzier, it's time to turn your attention to the handbag colour trends that are set to be very big in 2024.
There's no time like the present to consult the runways for the colour trends we can expect to be everywhere for the year ahead—including the ones you're likely to see tucked under the arms and on the shoulders of some of social media's best dressed. After all, colour is one of the easiest ways to bring your outfit up to speed at the start of a new season, and after sifting through hundreds of S/S 24 shows, I've noticed some new hues that are not only perfect to adopt now but will also stand the test of time.
So, keep scrolling to see the five handbag colours I've been seeing everywhere. It's only a matter of time before everyone else follows suit.
Style Notes: After all those dark winter colours it's time for a palette cleanser, and fresh, arctic whites should fit the bill. The more accident-prone amongst us might want to look away now, as head-to-toe white popped up a lot in the spring/summer collections, and the most repeated accessory was a minimalist white bag to match.
The chain detail makes this unmistakably JW Anderson.
Proof you don't have to spend an arm and a leg to look like you did.
Style Notes: First there was hot red, then there was chocolate brown. Next up for 2024? Deep burgundy, of course; it's the perfect mix of 2023's most expensive-looking colour trends. Move over quiet luxury, because when it comes to how to look rich now, we're ready to make plenty of noise about this indulgent shade of maroon.
You just can't argue with the practicality of this shape.
Style Notes: You surely noticed just how quickly charcoal and slate-grey outfits dominated street style over the past few months, but now the trend extends to handbags too. A grey bag might not seem like the obvious choice but the necessary factors are all there: does it go with everything? Yes. Does it add polish to a look? Yes. Will it fall out of favour as soon as the weather changes? Well, let's just say I have a strong feeling these will look just as good with tank tops and shorts as they do with cosy knits.
A great clutch for both day and night.
Style Notes: It just wouldn't be a comprehensive round-up without at least one statement pop of colour, and I've been counting down since last year for the opportunity to revisit the buttermilk-yellow trend once again. This bright, bubbly and dopamine-inducing shade cropped up last July but didn't get the full opportunity to shine that it deserved thanks to a dreary summer. It would seem that designers agree, as it was spotted in no less than 25 different collections. Not sure if you're up to a full yellow look? The easiest way to nod to the trend is with a cute yellow bag. The outfit-(and mood) lifting hit acts as a little ray of sunshine.
All I have to say is thank you, Rejina Pyo.
Trust me: J&M Davidson bags are guaranteed conversation starters. And I know—I have the Zip Quiver Bag (£675) in the maroon shade.
Style Notes: There's no escaping it; pastels are made for spring and summer. After giving pink a lot of attention for the last two years, it's time to head to the other end of the spectrum. Soft, calm baby blue is the trend we didn't see coming but are more than happy to welcome. Like grey, the cool-toned hue goes with more colours than you might think (see Fendi S/S 24 for further inspo), and we can expect to see a lot more of powder and periwinkle as the penchant for pink dies down in the post-Barbie era.
A noughties throwback (in the best possible way).
Big enough for all of your essentials, and the kitchen sink.
Next Up: 8 Timeless Bags Minimalist Fashion People Still Love Years Later
Remy Farrell is a London-based fashion editor with 10 years of experience covering fashion, beauty and lifestyle. After graduating with a journalism degree and working on the fashion teams for titles such as Grazia, Elle, and British Vogue, she moved into the luxury e-commerce sector, working as fashion assistant at TheOutnet.com After expanding an assisting and styling portfolio that includes talent such as Gigi Hadid, Victoria Beckham and Miquita Oliver, she ventured into beauty, compiling reviews and diverse beauty content. In her role as fashion editor atBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing , Remy is interested in discovering new brands to share with the WWW UK readership, and loves uncovering hidden gems to make shopping accessible to everyone.
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