FYI: A Set Morning-and-Evening Routine Is the Best Thing You Can Do for Yourself


Welcome to Month of Me, where every day in January, we'll be publishing a new fashion, beauty, or wellness article featuring a first-person account of shaking up an old habit, pushing beyond a comfort zone, or simply trying something new. Follow along for 31 days of storytelling, including what it's like to quit alcohol for 80 days, try Beyoncé's very strict diet, or completely overhaul your closet.


(Image credit: @bonatalia)

Name: Natalia Sztyk, graphic designer,Best Knockoff Luxury Clothing and THE/THIRTY

What Did You Try? I stuck to a set morning routine and journaled for 10 minutes every night for two weeks.


(Image credit: @bonatalia)

Why Did You Try It? It was something I used to do years ago that I haven't done in a while and missed.


(Image credit: @bonatalia)

What Happened During the Whole Process? Every morning, I would wake up at 7 a.m. and put on my sweatpants and sports bra that I laid out the night before and head to the living room to set up my yoga mat. That's when I would stretch and meditate in silence for a good 15 minutes. Next would be tongue scraping, then preparing my warm lemon water (some days adding in turmeric and black pepper). At night, typically after dinner, I would write in my journal for a good 10 minutes. It was nice to just write whatever I wanted, without an agenda; some days I would write down goals, how my day was, what I was grateful for, etc.


(Image credit: @bonatalia)

Any Challenges? Waking up at a set time every morning was the most difficult! My husband is not a morning person, so it's easier for me to just want to stay in bed too.


(Image credit: @bonatalia)

How Did You Feel Afterward? What Kind of Changes Did You Notice? Mentally, I think this is a great way to feel less stressed. There was so much going on in my life during this time, but I honestly didn't feel overwhelmed or anxious. It took a small amount of my time each day, but it felt like I did a lot for myself daily.


(Image credit: @bonatalia)

What Did You Like About It? I liked that it wasn't something crazy but something that anyone can do!

What Did You Hate? Like anything, feeling like you have to do something will make you not want to do it! Over time, it's something that can easily become a set routine that you don't think about. The most difficult thing would be vacations, special events, etc., that don't make you want to wake up at a set time. Sleeping in!


Would You Try It Again? Yes, it's something that I will continue to do and hope to do for a lifetime. Maybe the routine will change over time, but having the set morning routine and having that 10-minute journaling at the end of the night was so great.

Any Advice for Anyone Who's Thinking of Trying It? Do it! It's such a simple gift to give to yourself that will make a huge impact in the long run.

Take a look at some of the other products that helped me stick to my routine:


This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used in the place of advice of your physician or other medical professionals. You should always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first with any health-related questions.