Can Nike's Bum-Bag Slides Really Replace a Handbag? We Put Them to the Test

On 31 May, over 54 articles were published about one pair of pool slides. Before Gareth Southgate's Marks and Spencer waistcoat, it was Nike's "hands-free" shower shoes with bum-bag pockets over the toes that were making international headlines. I have been trying to get a pair of the slides since 31 May, and 42 days (and a long email chain) later, a monochrome pair arrived atBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing UK's London office for me to try. We wanted to test whether or not it's possible to leave the house with everything you need for the day securely placed in the front of these shoes. Considering I carry a canvas tote bag almost every day because I can't fit everything in my mini handbag, I suspected the answer was going to be a firm no.

The first problem? The slides didn't fit me. So Isabel Mundigo-Moore, WWW UK's social media editor (our Cinderella for the day), wore them instead for a coffee break and to run some errands. These are the things that she managed to take along for the walk: chewing gum, debit card, driving license, hair slide, house keys (if you carry one key and don't have a janitor set like I do, that is) and a lipstick.

Alternatively, you could forget all of that and fit one bag of M&M's in one pocket and a Daim bar in the other if snacks are your main priority.


(Image credit: Isabel Mundigo-Moore)

Things that won't fit in a pair of Nike bum-bag slides: phone, passport, Fruit Pastels (unless you've eaten half of them), phone charger (although, the cable will squeeze in), sunscreen and a tube of mascara.


(Image credit: Isabel Mundigo-Moore)

I asked Isabel to summarise her findings of the experiment, and this was her feedback: "I was ready to think they were ridiculous, but I ultimately came to love them. They're super comfy and even when rammed full, they weren't that heavy. I would be careful with putting notes in, though. It's better for debit card payments, as the zipper was tricky at checkout."

I accompanied Isabel for her coffee break and can confirm that her forward-bend squat (with a long queue directly behind her) to pay for her frappe was something the customers in Pret Russell Square weren't quite ready for.

Shop Nike Slides

The bum-bag slides aren't available to buy just yet, but these other shower slides are just as good.

Follow Who What Wear UK on Instagram to see Isabel's hands-free coffee trip.

Emma Spedding