35 Self-Care Tips We've Learned in Quarantine


(Image credit: Jayme Burrows/Stocksy)

Well, here we are. We've officially spent a year in quarantine, and what a year it has been. A lot has changed since last March, and we've all had to get used to a "new normal" and have experienced some tough times. Some of us have felt a lot more sadness and suffering than others. It hasn't been an easy time, but I don't have to remind you of that.

I don't know about you, but I distinctly remember leaving the office in March of last year and preparing to work from home for just a few weeks because it would all be over by then. Ah, bless my naïveté.

I've been doing a lot of reflection as the one-year mark approached and thinking about all the things I've learned about myself and the ways I've coped with the ups and downs. I definitely can say I've grown and learned a lot. I've gotten to know myself a lot better since I've been quarantining alone for the most part. I've learned to be more grateful for all the things in my life, and I discovered new forms of self-care and methods for looking after myself better.

So I'm wondering, Have you been reflecting on the past 12 months as well? What has helped you? What have you learned about yourself and the world? What has surprised you? We posed those questions to our Instagram followers, and they shared some really thoughtful responses, which I've compiled below. Take a look and see if any of them resonate with you. If you want to share your own thoughts, we'd love to hear. Send us a DM or comment @thethirty.

What Self-Care Practices Have Been Most Meaningful to You This Year?


(Image credit: ryanjlane/Getty Images)

"Practicing mindfulness."


(Image credit: Cavan Images/Getty Images)

"Setting night and morning routines. They are my only link to 'time.'"

"Getting outside and stretching mid-workday."

What's Something That Has Surprised You About Yourself Through All of This?


(Image credit: Lucas Ottone/Stocksy)

"I was able to make positive changes in my life and my career."

"How sentimental I became and also how resilient."

"How much I enjoy being home now."


(Image credit: Javier Diez/Stocksy)

"How much I enjoy an introvert lifestyle. I thought I was an extrovert all these years."

"How peaceful it is to do nothing."

"I have grown tolerance for my discomfort."


(Image credit: Milles Studio/Getty Images)

"I was settling in my relationship—that ended, and I started therapy. Now, I can ask for what I need."

"I am powerful also when I'm alone."

"How much I really loved working remotely—it removed a lot of daily stressors."

"I still love being at home all the time!"

What's the Best Purchase You've Made That Has Improved Your Year?


This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used in the place of advice of your physician or other medical professionals. You should always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first with any health-related questions.

Managing Editor

Sarah is lifestyle writer and editor with over 10 years of experience covering health and wellness, interior design, food, beauty, and tech. Born and raised in Los Angeles, she attended New York University and lived in New York for 12 years before returning to L.A. in 2019. In addition to her work on THE/THIRTY andBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing , she held editor roles at Apartment Therapy, Real Simple, House Beautiful, Elle Decor, and The Bump (sister site of The Knot). She has a passion for health and wellness, but she especially loves writing about mental health. Her self-care routine consists of five things: a good workout, “me” time on the regular, an intriguing book/podcast/playlist to unwind after a long day, naps, and decorating her home.