Women Across America Are Wearing This Trend on Instagram

It used to be magazines. Used to be runway shows, music videos, movies, party recaps. Now, the number one spot, we'd venture to bet, that the majority of us find out what Wholesale Replica Bag trends are is Instagram. The discovery platform du jour never fails to show us the newcomer brands, inspiring style setters, and even translations of the aforementioned sources from our past—magazines, parties, and more. Every day, we find ourselves saving images upon images that are compelling, and eventually, it transforms into a crystal-clear amalgamation that is: a trend.

On the subject, we've recently undergone said trend epiphany and are thrilled to share our findings. As of late (like the last month and a half), every influencer, retailer, and street style photographer has seemingly illustrated the stylish effects of snake print. Not leopard, not giraffe—snake. This enticing print is especially versatile because it works across the wardrobe gamut. Footwear and bags are obvious iterations, but we've also spotted jackets, pants, and the ilk swathed in this pattern. To see what we mean, scroll down to see the snake-print trend that women across America are wearing on Instagram right now, and shop our picks along the way to add it to your aesthetic this season.

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Want more? Check out how to wear zebra print like a style pro.

Nicole Kliest
Freelance Contributor

Nicole Kliest is a freelance writer and editor based in New York City who focuses on fashion, travel, food, wine, and pretty much anything else that's amusing to write about. After graduating from Pepperdine University with a bachelor's in journalism and creative writing, she started her career back in 2010 asBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing 's photo editor and throughout the last decade has contributed to publications including Fashionista, Harper's Bazaar, Elle, The Zoe Report, PopSugar, Fodor's Travel, and several others. She also copywrites and has worked with clients such as Frame, Sea, 3x1, Intelligentsia, and others to develop brand voices through storytelling and creative marketing. She's very passionate about the ways we can improve our sustainability efforts in the fashion industry as well as cultivating content that's diverse and inclusive of all people. When she's not checking out Wholesale Replica Bag restaurant opening in her West Village neighborhood or riding her bicycle along the West Side Highway, she can be found scheming her next trip somewhere around the world. (Up next is Vienna.)