These Are the Sneakers Fashion People Will Wear This Summer
Whether you're a sneakerhead who builds their shopping around Wholesale Replica Bag drops or someone who only wears sneakers to the gym, there are some standout styles out there to have on your radar for summer. The popularity of Adidas Samba sneakers shows no sign of waning as the kicks continue to sell out in practically every colorway, meaning you can rest assured these cult shoes remain a good investment. Wholesale Replica Bag Aimé Leon Dore x New Balance 860V2 collaboration dropped earlier this year and is already one of the most in-demand sneakers for 2023. I predict it will be a top buy for summer.
Other sneaker styles on the rise include the Onitsuka Tiger Mexico 66 sneakers in their vibrant golden yellow colorway, the Salomon XT-6 sneakers that are as hyped for having a great design and a high level of comfort, and the Adidas Gazelle sneakers that are selling out in vibrant shades such as bluebird, to name only a few. Keep scrolling for the summer sneakers you should consider adding to your cart this season.
These were considered classics decades ago, and they remain classics now.
Fashion people can't get enough of the Adidas x Wales Bonner collaboration sneakers.
Raise your hand if you're an Asics fan.
Another designer shoe that's worth the hype.
Next: 15 Cool Sneaker Brands Fashion People Always Wear
Kristen Nichols is the Associate Director, Special Projects atBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing where she oversees luxury, runway content, and wedding features, and covers fashion within the luxury market, runway reporting, shopping features, trends, and interviews with leading industry experts. Kristen has worked with brands including Prada, Chanel, and Tiffany Co., and her style has been featured in publications including, Vogue France, WWD, and the CFDA. Kristen began her career at Rodarte, where she worked on styling, photo shoots, and runway shows, and at Allure, where she moved into print and digital editorial. She graduated from the University of Southern California, where she studied art history and business, and currently lives in New York.
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