Yes, These Vitamins Can Help With Your PMS


(Image credit: Danil Nevsky/Stocksy)

There are so many beautiful things about being a woman. We're strong, resilient, and deal with embracing the not-so-nice things that come with our internal genetic makeup (like PMS) once a month. Research shows that over 90% of women deal with PMS symptoms before or during their period, which averages to as many as three in four women dealing with PMS on a regular basis. PMS symptoms occur when estrogen and progesterone levels begin dropping, causing women to deal with the physical and emotional ailments we know all too well. Everybody is different, but this translates to symptoms like swollen or tender breasts, bloating, cramping, headaches, feeling tired, irritability, anxiety, and more.

If your symptoms feel irregular, we strongly suggest you go see a healthcare professional. However, there are natural remedies for alleviating these symptoms that studies show have worked for ages. Namely, taking specific vitamins can make that time of the month feel a little less uncomfortable. We tapped Alisa Vitti, an integrative nutritionist, hormone expert, period coach, and best-selling author of WomanCode, along with Suzie Welsh, the founder and CEO of supplement company Binto, to share the best vitamins to make PMS symptoms less harrowing. Take notes on their choices below.

1. Vitamin B6

2. Vitamin B12

3. Magnesium

4. Docoahexaenoic acid (DHA)

5. Vitamin D

6. Calcium

7. Probiotics

8. Vitamin E

9. Alpha Lipoic Acid

10. Vitex Herb

11. Dong Quai

12. Evening Primrose Oil


This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used in the place of advice of your physician or other medical professionals. You should always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first with any health-related questions.

Maya Allen