Where Sydney Girls Are Shopping for Wholesale Replica Bag Designer It Bags
There’s one designer right now that’s creating all the It bags every fashion girl wants on her arm—Jonathan Anderson. The creative director and designer behind his own label J.W. Anderson and Loewe (since 2013), has given us Wholesale Replica Bag handbags we’re seeing everywhere. Anderson is the mastermind behind the Loewe Puzzle Bag, which started to gain steam internationally in early 2016, and now shows no signs of slowing down. He then introduced the new Panda bag, which is quickly gaining popularity amongst the street style set. For J.W. Anderson, he created the Pierce Bag, which was one of the most popular bags of 2016, cementing its spot as a cult item for this year.
When it comes to shopping a designer handbag in Australia, we can often run into the issue that it’s only shoppable online, meaning you can’t go into a store and touch/feel/play. Parlour X in Sydney’s Paddington is the exclusive Australian stockist for J.W. Anderson, so it’s the only place Sydney girls can go and test the label IRL before committing to purchase—and the store also happens to have an epic collection of Loewe bags, so you can find the Puzzle Bag size that suits you best.
If you’re not in Sydney, keep scrolling to shop our favourite cult bags from Parlour X.
JW Anderson
Opening image: Style Du Monde
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