Body Positivity Influencer Alicia McCarvell Shares Her Feel-Good Night Routine

It's no secret that we love a good morning routine. We've come to learn, however, that the rituals we do to wind down before bed are just as important. Whether you take 10 minutes or a few hours, it's precious time that you have set aside at the end of the day to take care of yourself. Our series Weekend Wind-Down highlights the nightly routines of the people we admire.


(Image credit: Courtesy of Alicia McCarvell)

Alicia McCarvell is the kind of influencer we need more of. Her vulnerability and honestly around body image and self-worth have helped her audience tackle these topics with an empathetic lens. And the Nova Scotia based content creator also makes videos about her everyday antics, including her relationship with her husband, that continue to bring joy and inspire the more than 2.8 million people that follow her on TikTok.

Most recently, McCarvell served as a keynote speaker for The BodCon Talks: Beach Bodies, a virtual event on the intersection of beauty and body confidence, where she discussed how the "bikini body" rhetoric on social media and from brands affects everyone.

We asked McCarvell to share the self-care rituals that energizes her and brings her joy. Keep scrolling to see the rest of her feel-good wind-down routine.

5 P.M.


(Image credit: Courtesy of Alicia McCarvell)

Typically by around this time, I'm starving because I've forgotten to eat (I'm working on it), so I will put together dinner for myself. Tonight, I'm making my pepper nachos, which are two sliced peppers topped with cream cheese, ground beef cooked with taco season, and drizzled with Dave's famous chicken wing sauce. This sauce is a maritime favorite and I put it on everything. This meal is one of my go-to's because it is easy, delicious, and leaves me feeling good.

6 P.M.


(Image credit: Courtesy of Alicia McCarvell)

My evening may not be considered "winding down" for a lot of people, since I'll usually spend about one to two hours each night organizing, replying to emails and DMs, and setting myself for the next day. This routine allows me to relax for the rest of my night knowing that I'm prepared for the following day. You'll also usually find me on the couch with a glass of wine! My current favorite is Pink Poodle Sparkling Rosé.

8 P.M.


(Image credit: Courtesy of Alicia McCarvell)

After dinner, I'll get comfy and will spend a few hours chatting with my online friends, while playing Call of Duty. I'll usually have a bag of Smartsweets with me.

10 P.M.


(Image credit: Courtesy of Alicia McCarvell)

Just before I'm ready to head into bed, I'll do my nighttime skincare routine. My skincare routine is fairly inconsistent except for two things: the Glow Recipe Watermelon Glow Sleeping Mask and the Lush Unicorn Lip Scrub. I use both of these almost every night. 

11 P.M.


(Image credit: Courtesy of Alicia McCarvell)

This is when I'll take my supplements. My go-to's are the drugstore gummy multivitamins: Cira Beauty Sleep which supports my sleep, and Cira Symmetry for some hormone support.

And that's it! There are no cute PJs because I sleep naked, and there's always a light on in my house because, well, I'm scared of the dark! 

Next: How Alex Morgan Winds Down to Help Her Get a Good Night's Sleep


This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used in the place of advice of your physician or other medical professionals. You should always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first with any health-related questions.