This 79-Year-Old Stuns in Wholesale Replica Bag Gucci Campaign

Gucci creative director Alessandro Michele is known for infusing the Italian brand with his eclectic aesthetic, and the same can be said when it comes to the brand's seasonal campaigns. While fall was all about Tokyo, for Resort 2017, all eyes are on none other than Academy Award winning actress Vanessa Redgrave. The 79-year-old Brit and the stunning backdrop of Chatsworth, home of the duke and duchess of Devonshire, are the focus of the campaign shot by Glen Luchford.

Given Gucci's Westminster Abbey Resort 2017 show and the heavy influence of British culture on the collection, the campaign's star and lush setting seem fitting. Redgrave's elegant presence in the short film and print ads—not to mention the grand estate—juxtaposes the younger models and their punk personas throughout. Leave it to Gucci to produce a crazy-cool campaign where the countryside, models, an acclaimed performer, and fashion all come together in the most eclectic of ways.

Check out the Resort 2017 film and images starring Vanessa Redgrave below.


(Image credit: Glen Luchford/Gucci)


(Image credit: Glen Luchford/Gucci)


(Image credit: Glen Luchford/Gucci)


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