Our Before and After Photos Are Proof This Affordable Skincare Line Really Works

Sponsor Content Created With Versed

Well, things are… weird right now. Really, really weird. I’m trying to get myself into my new normal routine, and to be honest, it’s been a lot harder than I thought it’d be. (I’m a creature of habit.) But the one thing that always seems to bring a sense of normalcy to my life is skincare. No matter what I’m going through, I always have products for pampering myself. Is it weird that testing new products makes me feel calm? Apparently no, because a couple of my co-workers also find solace in doing so and agreed to go on a monthlong journey with me and everyone's favorite affordable, clean skincare line, Versed. Over the last month, three of us incorporated four products into our current skincare routines, and we are here to share our honest reviews—before and after pictures included.


(Image credit: @c__bellamy)

The Background: "I wouldn’t say I have shitty skin, but when I get stressed you can see it all over my face. (Proof is in my before pic.) I’m also guilty of picking my skin, which has left me with some small scars, and it has felt like an upward battle to get my skin tone nice and even.”

The Versed Verdict: "Before my testing began, I was very, very stressed out. I was traveling a lot, had no free time, and just felt all over the place. Then all this weird stuff started happening in the world. It was just the perfect recipe for a really bad skin day. But I can honestly say that the Versed products helped get things back on track and make them even better. My scars have lightened, I don’t have any current breakouts, and my skin just looks really nice and glowy.”



(Image credit: @michaela_bee)

The Background: "My skin isn't 'bad' per se, but it's super reactionary to how I treat it. I've found that when my diet improves, and I'm not consuming much alcohol or sugar, so does my skin, especially when it comes to breakouts. The same goes for my environment. I can have glowing, radiant skin while in warmer climates, like my hometown in Arizona or a tropical vacation spot, and then before I even get off the plane upon returning to chilly NYC, my face immediately gets dry and flaky. I also have to be careful with what I put on my skin. While I don't typically have reactions to products, I definitely can't use too many at once. (Read: no 10-step Korean-beauty skincare routines.) I typically look for products with as many natural ingredients and as few harsh chemicals as possible. But then, of course, they actually have to work.”

The Versed Verdict: "Looking at these photos, I'm honestly shocked at how dull my skin looked a month ago. I'm not saying I'm going to stop wearing makeup now, but I probably could without anyone really noticing. I was already using a Versed face wash before trying out these other products, so I can now honestly attribute my dayglow to this brand.”



(Image credit: @camillaq)

The Background: "My biggest skincare concerns are dryness, redness, and occasionally dullness. For the most part, there are generally no surprises with my skin, but sometimes it can look washed out. It can be sensitive and gets dry very quickly, and depending on stress levels or seasonality, I can get stubborn blemishes every now and then, which often leave scarring that is difficult to diminish.”

The Versed Verdict: "Going into this trial, I had a lot of skin challenges ahead. Going from New York winter to Australian summer, flying for 24 hours, and (at the time) prepping for my best friend’s wedding. Then COVID-19 really took a handle on things, and my fiancé and I had to quickly figure out what we were going to do, considering how it might impact travel and when/how we could get back to the U.S. Among all this stress and worry, my skin has remained hydrated and clear of blemishes, which is certainly a great result considering everything. My skin tone feels a lot more even, and I’ve even noticed the fine lines under my eyes have diminished. My face has been in a constant state of tension recently, so I’d say this is a great result!”


Group Executive Director, Branded Content and Beauty

Caitie Schlisserman is an L.A.-based executive director with over a decade of branded content and editorial experience. She joinedBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing in 2014 as the first branded content editor and has worked her way up to overseeing a team of talented branded content editors and the beauty department of the media revenue team. BeforeBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing , Caitie helped launch FabFitFun's first subscription box and worked at a beauty startup where she assisted in successfully launching the editorial department.