Wholesale Replica Bag Must-Have M&S Item Making Fashion Headlines

Many were appalled when we broke the news that kitten heels were making a comeback, but like it or not, they have become the fashion editor's shoe style of 2017. If you looked down along the front row at any fashion show in September, you would see a line of Manolo Blahnik and Dior black slingback kitten heels and mules, and now M&S has jumped on the trend and created a £30 pair that is causing a frenzy in fashion circles. These backless mules have a low, sensible heel height and a satin bow on the front and are available in an elegant black style and a more flamboyant purple floral print.

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Every so often, M&S creates an item that makes fashion headlines, such as this year's star-print dress, the fluted-sleeve jumper and the pink Roksanda-esque dress. Traditionally these always sell out in a matter of days, so this isn't an item to bookmark for later. Keep scrolling to shop the £30 M&S kitten heels before they go.

Emma Spedding
Freelance Fashion Editor

Emma is a freelance fashion editor with over 15 years experience in industry, having worked at The Telegraph, Grazia and, most recently, British Vogue. Emma was part of the founding team of Who What Wear UK, where she worked for six years as Deputy Editor and then Editor—helping shape the team into what it is today is one of the biggest privileges of her career and she will always see herself as aBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing girl, contributing to both the US and UK sites. Whether she's writing about runway trends or spotlighting emerging brands, she aims to write about fashion in a way that is democratic and doesn't promote over consumption.