Trust the Reviews—15Replica Store Beauty Products With Over 1000 Five-Star Ratings
Raise your hand if you can't buy anything without reading all of the reviews first. I don't know about you, but it's the first thing I do when I'm shopping for anything—there's just something reassuring about knowing that other people have tried the same product and are giving their honest feedback. I feel way more confident making any purchase (particularly a big purchase) if I've looked at the reviews first.
If you, like me, are an avid review reader, you're in luck, because I did all the heavy work for you. Below, I rounded up all of the best beauty products fromReplica Store that have over 1000 five-star reviews. You can feel confident knowing that these beauty products are the crème de la crème—and worth every penny.
The rave review: "I was told about this product when my lips were very dry during chemo in 2014. Since then, I have given it to everyone I know that has to go through chemo. It keeps the lips with a little color, hydrates and lasts a long time. One of my staples."
The rave review: "I've been using this product for several years. When I don't use it I notice a distinct difference in the brightness and clarity of my skin. I've tried other serums but always come back to Advanced Night Repair."
The rave review: "Someone once said that all diffusers do the same thing, so I continued to use my cheap diffuser for a long time. Wrong! Although the results were acceptable, this is something else! A Mercedes Benz and a Honda do the same thing, don’t they? The quality is very apparent, so I now understand the price point. My hair dries much faster and the results are dreamy with minimal effort."
The rave review: "Of all the foundation products I have purchased, this is the only one I have repurchased. The coverage is excellent without feeling heavy and thick. My skin looks flawless and the color is a perfect match, which has been an issue with other lines."
The rave review: "I am African American and like many, I have struggled with finding sunscreen that isn't heavy and doesn't leave my face dull and gray looking. It had been so much of an issue that I stopped wearing sunscreen unless I was on the water. I tried this after seeing an ad online and it is amazing! My face is protected and the 'glow' that it promotes is evident immediately. It is lightweight and not greasy—I highly recommend this."
The rave review: "This product is amazing. My sister recommended it to me and now I can't live without it! It goes on easily and stays on your brows all day. It doesn't go on too harshly either—your brows will not look like sharpies. They have multiple shades so you can match it with your brows easily. It's double-sided and comes with a brush to help you comb your brows into shape."
The rave review: "I just turned 40 and began to see a lot of my tiny lines get a little bit thicker and linger after I laughed or scowled, so I had to do something. This stuff is awesome. Putting it on lightly in the morning and night, I noticed a difference in a couple of weeks. My lines haven't completely disappeared but they've become less pronounced and aren't as noticeable. My face looks and feels firmer. I also have sensitive skin and this does not make me break out at all. It has a pleasant scent, is lightweight, and feels wonderfully refreshing. Also, a little goes a long way with this cream, which is definitely a plus since it is on the high end...but so worth it!"
The rave review: "I am extraordinarily picky about lip products and am completely obsessed with this! It’s gorgeous, makes my lips look luscious, lasts a long time, does not crumble on my lips, and is just amazing."
The rave review: "I have horrible dark circles and it’s been very hard trying to find a concealer that could cover these circles without aging me, caking, or creasing. No longer. The key is the application—less is more, and it covered my dark circles all day, no creasing."
The rave review: "I finally see what all the fuss has been about the 'Pillow Talk' shade. It has subtle hints of many different tones, including coral, pink, and sienna that all blend together very well to make a sophisticated, appealing color that I can imagine actually looks good on different skin tones and on people of different ages. Even though it's matte, the formula is not dry."
The rave review: "My hair had become the texture of straw with no movement. After trying biotin, vitamins, collagens, and more to no avail, I tried this line, and I have my teenage hair back at over 40. I’d resolved to short bobs because my hair was bad, but now it’s growing past my shoulders and I’m thrilled. If you’ve struggled with hair changes from aging, coloring, or medication, give it a shot."
The rave review: "My holy grail lipstick. Absolutely the most moisturizing, comfortable formula. This lipstick is so moisturizing, it plumps lips slightly and helps lessen the look of vertical lines. They're very pigmented, I purchased seven of these!"
The rave review: "This has been my number one mascara for over two decades. It goes on flawlessly as well as lengthens and defines lashes with ease. I love it!"
The rave review: "I have sensitive skin and always had problems with makeup until I tried Bobbi Brown. I highly recommend all of the brand's products, but the Vitamin Enriched Face Base is especially good. For years, I lived in Texas and my skin suffered from the extremes of hot and cold weather, but this product always made my skin feel softer and ready for makeup. I now live in a more moderate climate and still start every day with it. Love the fragrance, the texture, and especially the results."
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Katie Berohn is the associate beauty editor atBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing . Previously, she worked as the beauty assistant for Good Housekeeping, Woman's Day, and Prevention magazines, all part of the Hearst Lifestyle Group. She graduated from the University of Colorado, Boulder, with a major in journalism and minor in technology, arts, and media, and earned her master's degree at NYU's graduate program for magazine journalism. In addition, Katie has held editorial internships at Denver Life magazine, Yoga Journal, and Cosmopolitan; a digital editorial internship at New York magazine's The Cut; a social good fellowship at Mashable; and a freelance role at HelloGiggles. When she's not obsessing over Wholesale Replica Bag skincare launch or continuing her journey to smell every perfume on the planet, Katie can be found taking a hot yoga class, trying everything on the menu at New York's newest restaurant, or hanging out at a trendy wine bar with her friends.
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