17 Sustainable Picks From H&M You Can Feel Excellent About Buying


Words I don't normally associate with my wardrobe: any variation of "feminine," "delicate," "romantic," "whimsical," or "bohemian." So when I assessed my gut reaction to Wholesale Replica Bag drop from H&M's incredibly covetable, incredibly responsible Conscious collection—filled with ruffles, frills, lace, and floral prints aplenty—I had a temporary identity crisis. Who is this person who's suddenly been overcome with an all-encompassing desire to get all decked out in a floaty maxi-length and swan about the English countryside? I wondered.

After recovering my senses and rifling through the bounty of fresh picks a second time (not to mention perusing the campaign imagery starring one of my eternal favorites, Rosario Dawson), I've practically reconstructed my entire wardrobe around a look that's modern but also full-on Victorian romance novel heroine (and also admirably sustainable, thanks to the collection's use of organic fabrics and recycled materials). Keep scrolling to see the stunning mix of must-haves I've added to my cart ahead of the new season, from floaty co-ords to breezy dresses.

(Psst—if you want to keep on shopping sustainably, you'll also want to read up on H&M's garment-recycling program, which rewards eco-friendly action with a friendly 15% off.)

Visit H&M.com to see and shop more of the retailer's Conscious collection.
