These 5 Fall Staples Will Instantly Upgrade Your Wardrobe, and They're Under $70

It's no secret that we love reporting on all Wholesale Replica Bag trends in the fashion scene. Whether it's the '90s comebacks or the controversial ones straight off the runway, there's always something on the rise. But a favorite subject of ours is wardrobe staples. We don't put the attention on them that they deserve, especially since they're the most-worn pieces in our closets. Staples can mean something different for everyone, but we've pinpointed five for fall that we think many of you can agree on and even shopped them out from our Who What Wear line at Target.

Below, you'll find 25 standout options from our latest drop, all at a $70-and-under price point. Of course, we also had to include some fall outfit inspiration to show how our favorite fashion insiders styled the pieces. 

1. Comfy Midi Dresses


(Image credit: @fashionwithjazz)

Summer is usually known for its dresses, but we think fall dresses deserve just as much attention. They often include more muted color palettes, which can be easier to style.

2. Faux-Leather Items


(Image credit: @laurenegg)

We'd be lying if we didn't say that a large part of our excitement for fall is getting to wear leather again. It just looks so luxe and is an instant way to look polished.

3. Statement Outerwear


(Image credit: @thecarolinelin)

Don't believe anyone who says statement outerwear isn't versatile. Simple coats have their place, of course, but with a fun jacket or coat, all you need to do is layer it over a minimal outfit, and you're good to go.

4. Roomy Knits


(Image credit: @courtneecrews)

It's finally sweater weather! Opt for roomier knits because the oversize fit not only looks stylish, but it'll also feel like you're wearing a blanket.

5. Elevated Loungewear


(Image credit: @aniyahmorinia)

When the weather drops, sweatpants come out. That doesn't mean you can't find a more stylish pair that's suitable for outside your bedroom.

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Associate Fashion Editor

After interning atBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing in 2019, Yusra Siddiqui found her way to the team after graduating with a fashion media degree. She's also spent time writing and working for publications such as Fashionista, Coveteur, Nylon, and Allure. When she's on the job, she's perusing runway shows, analyzing Wholesale Replica Bag social media trends, and diving deep into all things Gen Z-related.