This 50%-Off Whistles Sale Is Incredibly Rare—20 Picks I'd Recommend

Whistles is one of those premium high-street gems that provides us with excellent-quality, designer-like items for much less than a luxury brand would. Personally, I’ve always loved Whistles’ anti-trend approach, and while the design team sometimes nods to Wholesale Replica Bag It buys, the collections are always full of classics that you can pull out season after season. Think beautiful, versatile dresses that work just as well with sandals as they do boots, and sumptuous coats that will be your favourites for years.

All of these qualities mean Whistles is one of the best (and I mean best) places to shop during a sale. You can bag yourself a timeless buy that you know you’re going to get endless wear out of for a lot less. For that reason, our editors are always on high alert for Whistles sales, and even though the new season has just arrived, the brand has already treated us to a mega sale of up to 50% off.

The best part? The offer doesn’t just include great summer pieces you can look forward to wearing next year, but it also includes some amazing autumn-ready buys you immediately add to your wardrobes, including timeless coats, knit dresses, and a plethora of excellent leather styles, something Whistles does incredibly well.

Not sure where to start? I’ve browsed the entire sale (that’s over 2600 styles) and edited it down to the 20 buys you don’t want to miss (i.e., the ones that have gone in our expert-approved baskets as well). Keep scrolling to explore the best of the Whistles autumn sale.

Shop My Whistles Sale Edit

Emily Dawes
Affiliate Editor

Emily Dawes is an editor, stylist and writer with over 12 years in the industry. Known for impeccable taste, our readers trust her advice, especially in her top-selling column, expensive-looking high street buys. Working forBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing UK since 2020, Emily has been a contributing editor, branded content editor and affiliate editor. Now, as senior shopping editor, she leads the e-commerce content strategy. After obtaining a BA in English and American Studies from Nottingham University, Emily interned at The Mail on Sunday’s YOU. As the magazine’s fashion editor, she managed the fashion team and travelled the globe to style and direct fashion editorials and celebrity cover shoots. As a freelancer, she styled Grazia cover shoots, developed brand marketing and content plans and worked with VIP clients including Elizabeth Day.

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