When Did Madewell and Gap Get This Good? These 27 Chic Finds Shocked Me
Since it's my job to keep up with the new arrivals on the market, I'm usually in tune with the patterns of retailers and trending items. Even as a fashion editor, I also occasionally get surprised by Wholesale Replica Bag launches. This was my experience when I recently walked into Gap and Madewell, eager to try out the buzzy items our editors have been chatting about. I've found great items at both stores previously, but I was taken aback by just how good the fall arrivals were. I'm talking about chic vest sets, striped rubgy polos, barrel-leg jeans and more.
Considering Gap has newly appointed Zac Posen as creative director and also just launched its latest collaboration with Dôen, I should've known the items I found were going to be hits. Keep scrolling to find the fall-ready Madewell and Gap items that are all hits, no misses.
This with black trousers? Now, that's a perfect back-to-the-office 'fit.
This stunning belt has been a favorite among our team. All the colors are great, but we've particularly been eyeing the cream and black.
I recently had the pleasure of testing these jeans out, and I most certainly approve.
If you wear this skirt, you'll be the chicest in the room. I can guarantee that.
This bag should definitely be the star for your next night out.
I like all vests, but something about the high-neck ones like these just catch my attention more.
If you've been eyeing those highly expensive suede boots from Khaite, may I suggest this more affordable pair?
With this dress on, you don't need much to look good. You'll already look fantastic.
As it's the ultimate wardrobe basic, it'll get more wear than anything else.
With sets like these, you won't have any outfit dilemmas this fall.
if you're going to wear a sweater, let it be a varsity-inspired knit like this. Trust me.
Fall is the time when I wear the most interesting accessories, and this belt is the coolest of them all.
I know short denim jackets are more popular, but I think you should give this longline option a chance.
A big shirt is always a full must. These pink and red stripes feel especially fresh.
This post was published at an earlier date and has since been updated.
After interning atBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing in 2019, Yusra Siddiqui found her way to the team after graduating with a fashion media degree. She's also spent time writing and working for publications such as Fashionista, Coveteur, Nylon, and Allure. When she's on the job, she's perusing runway shows, analyzing Wholesale Replica Bag social media trends, and diving deep into all things Gen Z-related.