I'm Curious—What Do French Girls Buy on Amazon?


(Image credit: @lenafarl)

As a fashion editor and mom living in L.A who loves nothing more than instant gratification (aka two-day shipping) I tend to shop a lot on Amazon. From books to diapers and T-shirts to tea, I rack up a lot of mileage on my Amazon odometer, and my fellow editors can attest to shopping on the multi-brand platform as much as I do.

So last week, as I sat and wrote one of our beloved French-girl stories, it got me thinking, What exactly do stylish French women buy on Amazon (if anything at all)? Curious to find out more, I tapped into a number of fashion-forward French women that we love to feature here onBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing to see what exactly they add to their Amazon carts on the regular.

Perhaps, not so surprisingly it seems French girls do not shop as much or as frequently as we do in the U.S for fashion items. One of the most popular items they do shop for on Amazon is books, along with home and decor items, beauty items, and niche products such as polaroid film (something that popped up several times). Intrigued? Read on to see what some of our favorite French girls shop on Amazon.

Géraldine Boublil


(Image credit: @erinoffduty)

Jen Azoulay


(Image credit: @jen_wonders)

Léna Farl


(Image credit: @lenafarl)

"The type of product I buy the most on Amazon are books. But I also like to explore the site from time to time in search of fun gadgets that I never thought I would need but which, I must admit, are sometimes very useful like this makeup-brush cleaner mat."

Marissa Cox


(Image credit: @ruerodier)

"What do I buy on Amazon? Books, books, books! I read a lot—fiction, non-fiction, self-development and business books in paperback and audio. I always have around three on the go and have a huge running books list currently on Amazon. Next on my list are these below."

Clémentine Desseaux


(Image credit: @bonjourclem)

Julie Sergent Ferreri


(Image credit: @juliesfi)

Chloé Harrouche


(Image credit: @louloudesaison)

"I love to buy foods that I can't buy anywhere in Paris, for example, olive oil from Sicily (that I can't cook without!) or my favorite American apple cider that I love to add two or three spoonfuls to my water for health benefits. As well as Maldon organic sea salt for flavoring and cooking."

Tamara Mory


(Image credit: @tamaramory)

This post was published at an earlier date and has since been updated.

Up next, 8 Uncomplicated Outfits I'm Copying From Stylish Parisians This Summer.

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Judith Jones
Associate Shopping Director

Judith Jones is the associate shopping director atBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing and has worked in fashion for over a decade. She specializes in shopping content and trend stories with high-affiliate impact. She shares the coolest, most desirable fashion market finds and brands for every budget. Previous to working in fashion, Judith worked as a TV host on the PBS travel show Globe Trekker (airing on Netflix and Amazon Prime) sharing her passion for travel and culture.