11 Under-the-Radar High-Street Brands That Are Just as Good as Zara

Although the big-name high-street brands like Zara and H&M still have a place in our wardrobes, there's something exciting about coming across a lesser-known label. Of course, there's nothing wrong with buying into Wholesale Replica Bag trending item. However, as all true fashion lovers will know, it can be easy to become disillusioned by the identikit ensembles that can come from sticking to the well-trodden path.

My solution? Take some time every few months to dig around online and discover some new brands. This will ensure that your wardrobe is kept fresh, diverse and individual, and it helps you avoid any awkward outfit-clash moments. To save you time, I've scoured the internet and interrogated theBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing team to find our top under-the-radar affordable brands and their best new-in pieces. Prepare to smugly name-drop these labels next time you WhatsApp your fashion-loving friends.

1. Nobody's Child


(Image credit: @emilyjdawes)

Having caught the attention of editors, influencers and celebrities alike, Nobody's Child is an affordable brand you definitely want on your radar if it isn't there already. Specialising in throw-on, easy-to-style dresses and timeless wardrobe staples, this brand is also sustainably minded in its sourcing and design.

Shop the brand:

2. Aligne


(Image credit: @sarahlouiseblythe)

Aligne is a sustainably minded fashion brand that makes its designs out of quality fabrics with low environmental impact. The brand's aesthetic is clean-lined and packed full of versatile staples such as shirt dresses, jeans and blazers.

Shop the brand:

3. NA-KD


(Image credit: @amaka.hamelijnck)

For on-trend, small-scale design that won't cost you an arm and a leg, head over to NA-KD. This lesser-known fashion brand delivers a chic edit of wardrobe staples that you'll wear for many seasons to come. Minimalists, this one's for you.

Shop the brand:

4. Never Fully Dressed


(Image credit: Never Fully Dressed)

Acting as an antidote to the prevailing minimalist aesthetic, Never Fully Dressed is all about the print. The brand's feel-good pieces focus primarily on floral motifs, bold colours and flowy dresses—perfect for dressing up or down and layering up throughout the year.

Shop the brand:

5. Albaray


(Image credit: @pennygoldstone)

Albaray was born during the pandemic in 2020, and founded by three women with over 25 years experience in the fashion industry. It's a sustainable womenswear brand created with a desire to move forward with a more thoughtful, environmentally conscious approach, and the collections full of versatile styles designed for every day life (and to last way beyond the cycle of a season) certainly reflect that.

Shop the brand:

6. Pretty Lavish


(Image credit: @femmeblk)

Founded by two sisters in a bid to make luxury clothing affordable. They're known for sophisticated dresses and luxe knits—it's definitely a brand to know if you're in need of an outfit for a special occasion.

Shop the brand:

7. Damson Madder


(Image credit: @livpurvis)

If you're hunting for directional wardrobe heroes, look no further than Damson Madder, the brand that aims to use eco-friendlier materials, including 100% recycled polyester, natural dyes and cotton from organic farms. I'll be wearing the brand's cotton maxi with chunky boots all season long.

Shop the brand:

8. Kitri


(Image credit: @slipintostyle)

Set apart by its tightly edited collection of premium-feeling, affordable pieces, Kitri is aBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing fave. It only stocks limited quantities of each style, so you can guarantee that you won't see the same item on every other person on social media.

Shop the brand:

9. WAT The Brand


(Image credit: @sarahtankelellis)

The brainchild of perennially chic influencers Philippa Ross and Sarah Tankel-Ellis, this young brand is already selling out its exclusive drops of those perfect wardrobe staples you've been searching for forever. From the perfect trousers, to the jacket of dreams, your capsule wardrobe will thank you for shopping here.

Shop the brand:

10. House of Sunny


(Image credit: @claire_most)

Describing its wares as "supersized basics with a clean, flawless aesthetic and silhouettes cut precisely for everyday success," House of Sunny has become cool girls' go-to affordable fashion brand. The brand offers up plenty of new-season trends, including artistic silhouettes and psychedelic prints.

Shop the brand:

11. 4th Reckless


(Image credit: @karodall)

If you're looking for expensive-looking minimalist pieces with a cool Scandi twist to add to your wardrobe, then check out 4th Reckless. Expect chic co-ords and elevated basics to base your wardrobe around.

Shop the brand:

This post was originally published at an earlier time and has since been updated.

Emily Dawes
Affiliate Editor

Emily Dawes is an editor, stylist and writer with over 12 years in the industry. Known for impeccable taste, our readers trust her advice, especially in her top-selling column, expensive-looking high street buys. Working forBest Knockoff Luxury Clothing UK since 2020, Emily has been a contributing editor, branded content editor and affiliate editor. Now, as senior shopping editor, she leads the e-commerce content strategy. After obtaining a BA in English and American Studies from Nottingham University, Emily interned at The Mail on Sunday’s YOU. As the magazine’s fashion editor, she managed the fashion team and travelled the globe to style and direct fashion editorials and celebrity cover shoots. As a freelancer, she styled Grazia cover shoots, developed brand marketing and content plans and worked with VIP clients including Elizabeth Day.